Monday, 19 August 2013


Did u eva stp 4 a while nd asked urslf wt ix goin 2 hapen to mi da first night in ma grave?.....tink about da day people wl be carryin u 2 ur grave....and ur familes cryin...tink abt da moment u ar put in ur grave....just imagine...imaginin urslf in ur grave down there in dat dark hole....alone ...itx too dark...u cry 4 hlp bt no ansa...nobdy cn hlp u ...itx too narrow...your bones ar squashed...u regrt al da bad tinx u did durin ur life....u regrt misin 5 daily prayax...u regrt ur disrespctful manners towds evri1 especaily ur parents.....u regrt nt wearin ur hijab...u regrt ignorin da orders of Allah....u regrt ignorin da knwledge of islam....u regrt al da bad tinx u did....there ix no escpe....u wl face ur punishment 4 evry litle tin u've ar Alone in ur grave wit only ur money no jewlry nothin only ur deeds........nd wen ur grave ix shut u feel lyk screamin and tlin evryone not to stay beside ur grave....but u cnt be heard they leave u nd go nd u hear there footsteps...and hear dm dy walk away.......u taut u wl last 4eva in dx wrld..You taut u wl stay wt ur frndx nd families 4va.You taut u wl have fun u wre wrng............xo jst spnd few minute nd tink abt or lok at ur future home{Grave}....xo spnd da whle of ur life preparin 4 it cux ix ur future hme all cnt aford 2 ignore dx ,u need 2 rememba this evry minute nd evry secndx nd evryday.......xo evrytym u ar abt 2 comit a SIN, rememba da destroyer of pleasures..='DEATH'........